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Types of Team Building activities - a review - Purple Monster



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Discuss the following three activities:



Discuss this web  page
What are we trying to do here?
Discuss Life Skills
Discuss your attitude








Follow the steps
Search the web for templates of learning documents
Work with your Peer
Test your document
Discuss my life's attitude




Reflect what we have done
Did we achieve our outcomes?
Will someone understand your write-ups?













Setting up Peer Learning

Have a whole group discussion

Picking peer teams


Step 1 Read & Discuss


Peer Learning is a learning technique that promotes collaboration and teamwork to gain knowledge. Indeed, it is the learners who, from a concept and different information, must answer a problem without the intervention of a teacher. Each learner is both a recipient and donor of knowledge.

Question:  How is Peer Learning like FLIP learning?
Step 2 Take charge of your learning

Use Questions about the life-skill to create tutorials

We will use a learning process called Peer Learning

We will form small teams and learn the material on our own with a facilitator / mentor to steer us in the right direction

Encouraging students to take charge of their learning


Scaffolding guidelines

writing things down
Ownership-discussion with your peer in a polite and listening way
Prepareing students
summarize your thoughts









Step 3

Basic life skills Documents

Create written learning process for these Life Skill Values:

Trust, Respect, Empathy, Listening, Independence,  Collaboration, Kindness, Taking Risks, Boldness, Creativity, Learning attitude, Work ethics, Time-management,  Communications skills, Decision making    

Doing simple skills--   2 people teams

How would you explain to your associates these life-skills?

  • 1.   Write a short document defines each of these values

  • 3.   Pick the “Value” to be done

  • 5.   Research and define (written) the definition for the value

  • 6.   How will the value be used in a group setting?

  • 7.   How does it effect you?  Reflect with partner

  • 8.   Could you draw a picture of the  value


Example.       Finished example

Step 4

This is not easy, so take your time.

Your inner strength

 Review the importance of your Attitude and Social & Emotional thoughts.

Discuss these with your learning buddy and how do they related to your style?


How are these important in your life and the business community?

What do you have to do to change?

Create lists What are my emotions that I have to control?

How do I manage my emotions with others?

How do I have reconize emotions and atitudes of other people?

What are my strong relations with others?