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Developing Strong Research Questions | Criteria and Examples


















     Discuss the following three activities:



Discuss this web  page
What are we trying to do here?
Discuss Branding 










Follow the steps
Search the web for discuss on Branding
Watch the video
Create your goal, details about you




Reflect what we have done
Are you pleased about your discription?
Will someone understand your write-up?
















 Questions to encourage students to thinks more deeply
Thought provoking questions


Questions that ask for reasons ...Why did you say that?

Questions that probe assumptions ...How do you know that?

Questions that ask for evaluation of reasons ....What reasons support that idea?
Questions that ask for consequences and implications ...What would the consequences be?
Questions that ask for clarification... Is that what you meant?
Questions that ask for connections ...Do those two ideas agree?
Questions that ask for explanations ....What are some possible causes?
Questions that ask for distinctions ....How is that different from what was said?

Questions that ask for evidence ....How could we prove this?

Questions that ask for questions ...What questions would be useful to ask?

Questions that ask for definitions ...What does that mean?

Questions that ask for summary of the content ....What have you found out?

Questions that ask for counter examples ...When would that not happen?

Questions that ask for a summary of the process ...What did we do well? What could we improve?

Questions that ask for alternatives ...What would be a different view?
























Think about  Bloom Process
Example  Learn to Question