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The Character of people


Critical thinking habits


"Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and nations alike" ---Theodore Roosevelt







Innovation is defined as the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products,  services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and value. It involves transforming creative concepts into tangible outcomes that improve efficiency, and effectiveness, or address unmet needs.


Innovation Culture in Canton, MA

Our Mission - To inspire, educate and provide leadership in introducing Innovation processes & culture to the community (Society, Business,& Education) of Canton, MA

The intent is to foster an Innovation culture (Making things better) in our community.  


The team will focused on the Society first






We will use the culture of innovation to first bring respect and trust between our citizens.  Our focus is to bring innovation tools & processes for all parts of our community.  We hope to make Canton unique among communities in MA with a culture on Innovation (making things better).   











































Two page summary of plan
CABI plan
Benefits to Canton-Why do it?
Cost Discussion
We Society,           
Building a culture within the community 










 Although we hope to start with using the innovation process to solve the issue of a lack of trust & repect amoung some of our citizens;

the incorporation of the culture of innovation will make Canton a unique community in MA and better for its Business and Education community as well

5 Ways To Improve Your Innovation Process | Quality Gurus


Examples of possible activities:

Tie in with an Innovation management software company to provide their software to our community - Discounts, Education, Sharing learning, trust & respect  between all..

2.  Provide an education program to members about Innovation using books like – Cracking Creativity by Micheal Michalko.

3.  Develop with the school district Finding Bugs For their children’s classes.

Town Innovation days and programs (Maker Space).

Design processes for creating Innovative solutions


List of activities to create an Innovative solution
AI Description-tasks-needed 
Why should a small company do Innovation in their company?
Company learning plan
List of organizations that help Innovators
Use of chatGDP version 3.5 to assist building companies Innovation plans
To start the Innovation process you need a measurement:


How are you making it better for the Customer?  Whose your customer?

How are you improving the action/process/interaction you do?

How can you learn new things to be a better person?

How is your role connected to the financial bottom line and how can you support that?

The Balance Scorecard


Proposed Plan 

1.  Discuss with your team- Defined as one of our uniquenesses  

2.  Create a committee of your team to firm up idea

a.  Innovation for retail and manufacturing companies can be defined as the process of introducing new ideas, products, processes, or business models that result in significant improvements, advancements, or differentiation within the industry

b.  Get  Senior Center, CABI, Paul Revere center Support & membership- Get Schools involved

3.  What learning tools can be used to spread innovation to different organizations  

a.  Education about - This can include advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics,

b.  Create a business team

c. Discuss the use of chatGDP AI tool for Innovation use. 


4.  Sell the concept to our community as part of Canton’ uniqueness  

5.  Set up Mentorship program for interested organizations  

6.  Develop measurements to judge how we are doing

7. Explore the Boston community of innovators-MIT, Harvard, Greentown Labs, MassChallenge, District Hall, to learn from them.


Example of an Education learning element about Innovation

 What Bugs Me


Education programs for children (middle-school)



Why do I want to do this project?


       It’s fun

       Make lots of money

       See if I can do it


Problem Framing






Engineering is everywhere  -Tools

5 Whys

Ask Why five times to frame the problem

Fishbone diagram
The 5 Ps: People, Provisions, Procedures, Place and Patrons. Make sure that your team agree on the problem statement and include the people involved in the problem. Include as much information as possible in the 'what', 'where', 'when' and 'how much' of the problem. Use data to help you to understand the problem.
Da Vinci's Multiple Perspective Looking at the situation from multiple points of views Example- Your point of view, two others point of view
Questions A key characteristic  of all geniuses is their intense child-like curiosity and high degree of inquiries.
Brain writing Brain-writing,       Shaping


Team Creation  
Innovation concept  
Problem solving  


Using the Innovation Process to Build Trust and Respect in Canton, MA

The innovation process can be a powerful tool to build trust and respect within the Canton, MA community by addressing local needs, fostering inclusive participation, and delivering tangible benefits. Here’s how the innovation process can be leveraged to achieve these goals:

  1. Identify Community Needs and Opportunities:

  2. Inclusive and Transparent Planning:

  3. Collaborative Innovation Projects:

  4. Education and Skill Development

  5. Technology and Accessibility:

  6. Sustainability and Health

  7. Building Community Spaces

  8. Celebrating Local Successes:

  9. Continuous Feedback and Improvement:

By integrating these approaches, Canton, MA can use the innovation process to build a stronger, more cohesive community. This process fosters trust and respect by actively involving residents, addressing their needs, and delivering meaningful improvements to their daily lives.

How does the town leadership get people to listen and understand each other by promoting innovative practices in the community



Addition Resources:

Innovative Idea Generation: Easy to Say, But How to Execute?   https://startsmartcee.org/          PDF Document

 Small town adds Innovation to the culture of the community
WAZOku,   YOOMAP Innovation-web HBR,   MIT, Maryland Innovation center
Babson College

Innovation Methods:  the What, Why and How

AI-small business steps
Innovation-summary Setting up a Business for Innovation
Talk to ATS management about Innovation? Hateful speech





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