Project Academy: For addition information... Contact


The program  provides an interdisciplinary project based learning for after-school students…  high schools, home schools and drop outs These are the Essential skills not generally taught in schools… problem solving, thinking skills, collaboration, process methods, study skills, communication with others, continuous improvement, quality processing, financial literacy, risk taking, learning from failure, values, and character development 





Present education leaves many students bored, not engaged in learning and finding it difficult to manage the complexities of life relating to the interface of society, schools and business.   Our after-school program will provide a fun environment around project based learning for charter, public high school, home school and drop outs.  


We will demonstrate to the students that learning can be fun by solving real world problems and provide the missing skills (LIFE SKILLS)  like problem solving, thinking skills, growth mindset,  character development, financial literacy and societal values needed to succeed in today’s environment.  




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Our Mission:  

·         Get students excited about learning (life-long learners).

·   Have the reasoning skills to manage in today’s society and begin to build a set of skills to use in multiple careers.

·  Understand that problems are opportunities.  The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity.

·  Have students better prepared for college or a career.



The school will have a learning culture where projects are owned by the students and set their own project learning targets. Students will be provide with a group of mentors who they can use for support as needed.  Students will be treated as adults and respect.  A school vest will be worn to signify connection to each other.  Key words are:  Empathy, Curiosity, Kindness, Persisting, Flexibility, Innovation,   Entrepreneurship, Continuous learning, Humor and Taking responsible risk.   










Our student teams will work on problem of their choose using the example below:



Areas of discussion …can be tailored to local needs such as the local community food needs.



See the problem/Bug


Frame it



List possible solutions


Pick a few








Present solution


The course will be done with hands on learning using methods from     WPI/

Feed the World


Heal the World


Clean the World


Power the World


Respect the World


Connect the World


Entertain the World


Sports of the World


Music of the World


Record the World


Recycle the World


Other possible problems that could be worked on are the Grand Challenge for engineering determined by the National Academy of Engineering.


Uniqueness of the program:


         Teachers act as facilitators and do research on learning
   Organization structure is around learning and continious improvement
   Students do their own assessment on how to judge projects and their learning
   Focus on students strengths
   Learning by developing solutions to real issues verses a scripted approach
   Focus on stretched goals/objectives
   A culture of support for the students



What are the learning outcomes? 

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Clearly articulate the nature of the design process & problem solving 

  • See the “World” as a place of excitement and inspiration

  • Use assessment strategy and feedback as learning tools

  • Use of relevant soft-skills in their life to connect with society

  • Begin the steps to become a lifelong learner

  • Have taken steps for self-control in their interface with others

  • Understand the processes within a business and personnel finance  

  • Understand that problems are opportunities in life

  • Build on their strengths and skill sets

  • See errors as a learning point on what not to do in the future





Basic Documents
PowerPoint (PDF) Overview_process (PDF) Syllabus (PDF)
Business plan (PDF)  Mission_values_examples(PDF) After-school-overview
Flyer_Kids(PDF)  Project_Academy_flyer(PDF)  

Business Partners

Organization Description
VIA Institute



World problems
Project Based Learning
Life Skills
Daniel Pink animates his thoughts about the latest research on what motivates us all.



Other Sites

Henkels & McCoy’s afterschool youth program provides safe and nurturing programming so that youth can be engaged in positive, enriching activities during times when school is not in session.  web-site
Life after high school web-site

The Expanded Learning and Afterschool Project connects you with research, resources and best practices for building affordable and sustainable approaches to expanding learning in your community.


AYPF is a non-partisan convener. We bring policymakers, practitioners, and researchers together to frame issues, inform policy, and create conversations about improving education and young people’s lives.

Bob Pearlman ... project based learning web-site

project based learning web site

Growth mindset resource lessons web-site
Projects from High Tech HS web-site
By providing access to local resources for out of school time stakeholders. MAP acts as the bridge that helps bring community resources to out of school time programs. web-site



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