Design-- finding lots of possible solutions Free Online Course: Creative Problem Solving from Coursera | Class Central



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Discussion Questions


Additional thinking approaches:




Review the chosen problem

Is it too big, too small or just right?  Why

What skill set do we need for this problem?

What facts do we know (checked with critical thinking ) ?

How can we be creative in our thinking?

What organizations or web sites can help us?

Do we have inputs from our customers of their needs?


Overview of problem solving process



Decision making

Making a model (poster)


In product engineering, multiple dedicated teams are usually engaged in the various development phases, beginning with eliciting and gathering requirements, defining the problem and solution, designing the result, implementing the design, and then testing. Normally, these teams interact only among their circle and seldom with customers. This is how traditional project and product management works and it has been able to hold its ground for some time.

Many Designs:





  • Sticky notes
  • Writing instrument


Good overview(PDF)

The one way to create lots of ideas in a team is using writing your thoughts on a sticky-note pad sheets

o    Record all ideas accurately

o    One idea per turn ... round robin

o    No criticizing or commenting

o    No idea is " Too Wild"

o    Piggy back on others' ideas

o    Its okay to pass



Thinking Skills


Creative Thinking: Creativity improves pupils' self-esteem, motivation and achievement

* Brain storming

* Divergent thinking

* Exploring your environment & testing many options

* Stimulate curiosity

* Innovation & entrepreneurship


Critical Thinking

* Analyzing the past

* What evidence?

* What is the author’s purpose?

* Convergent thinking

* Skepticism is a virtue